Our Efforts in District 2 - Bowie, Maryland

First successful Recall Effort in Maryland history


Together, we Elected Dufour Woolfley to Bowie City Council, District 2

Following an historic one-and-a-half year long recall effort, and a record-breaking election turn out:

Dufour Woolfley wins with 59.22% of the vote in crowded five-candidate race. 


We Endorse: Dufour Woolfley

We are pleased to endorse Dufour Woolfley for Bowie City Council, District 2. Dufour's public record of fighting for responsible growth and limited development, with total accountability to your constituency warrants your vote. We look forward to working towards his election, and shaping the future of Bowie together. 

Unite Behind One Candidate:

Dufour Woolfley.


December 19th Recall election

A few days before Christmas, when most people are putting the final touches on their tree and traveling to visit family, 1,615 Bowie residents came out to vote. 

69.23% - voted YES in favor of recalling Councilwoman Diane Polangin.


Historic Recall Effort

In just 30 calendar days, our members collected 3,032 signatures and presented them to the City Clerk on November 6th 2017.


Bowie Citizens for Accountable Government

Across the country, there is a growing sentiment that our elected officials no longer work for us; Bowie citizens feel no differently. After months of petition drives, hours of testimony, and dozens of letters-to-the-editor, we came to the conclusion: no one was listening.

Determined to be the masters of our fate, Bowie residents joined together - from every walk of life, men/women, young/old, Republican/Democrat, and so Bowie Citizens for Accountable Government was born. 
